iHerb Customs Clearance

The products of the iHerb online store are imported goods for personal use, which are imported into the territory of the Customs Economic Union without paying customs duties and are subject to mandatory customs clearance. In accordance with the current customs legislation, the recipients of such goods must declare them to the customs authorities of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

If you are an iHerb customer who used EMEX delivery for the first time, and you received a notification from us via SMS or e-mail about the need for customs clearance – do not panic! Customs clearance is a standard state. a procedure that we perform for (and for) our customers of the iHerb online store for free. All you have to do is follow the link in the notification to:

  • Sign an agreement for the provision of customs clearance services from our company (EMEX LLP);
  • Attach a copy (photo in good quality) of the identity card on both sides (or the corresponding pages of the passport if there is no certificate);
  • Fill in the obligation on the intended use of imported goods for personal use.

Agreement and commitment for review.

By handing over to us the contract signed by the recipient and a copy of the identity card, you give the right to our customs representative to use your personal data to perform customs clearance services and represent your interests in the customs authorities.

If you receive iHerb orders more than once a month, for faster customs clearance, we recommend that you provide a document confirming the value of the goods (payment order, bank receipt, check or extract from Internet banking) in accordance with the requirements of Art. 344 of the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan On customs regulation in the Republic of Kazakhstan;

We have separate mobile phone lines where iHerb customers can get advice on the delivery status of orders from the online store and their customs clearance (PTD). Telephone lines are open Monday-Friday from 08:00 to 19:00

+7 700 836 07 05 (Tele2)
+7 778 017 38 20 (Kcell)

Attention! Calls to these phone numbers may be charged according to the tariff plan of your mobile operator